作成者別アーカイブ: jetsacademy

☆Tribute to Mom

プレイリストで、”Tribute to Mom”のアルバムを作成しました。祭壇のBGMに…



2021/08/25 23:40
容態が急変し… 母、安らかに旅立ちました。 緊急事態宣言下に入院し(面会できなくなってしまい)、在宅緩和治療の準備を進めていましたが、帰らぬ人となってしまいました。とても、悔やまれます…優しくて、楽しくて、お料理が上手で… いつも、母の笑顔に励まされました。 しばらく、お休みがちになってしまい申し訳ございませんでした。母を悲しませる事がないよう、元気に復帰したいと思います。どうぞ宜しくお願いいたします。
Thank you mom for lots of laughters and love. I am so blessed to be your daughter. R.I.P.

☆英会話サロン w/Stephen Articles(2021/08/24-25)

A message from Stephen:

Hope you had a nice and not-too-underwater Obon holiday! Here are the
materials for this week:

Tuesday morning – We’ll finish “Diabolical Acts” and move onto
“Workplace squeeze”

Tuesday Evening – Finish off “Hostage Justice” and move on to “Dark side of the net”

Wednesday classes we’ll move onto “Hostage Justice”, with “Workplace
squeeze” probably for next week.

See you tomorrow!

Workplace squeeze 3

hotage Justice

Dark Side of the net


Please find below a message from one of the members of JETS family:

“My mother tested positive for COVID on August 1st. She was given lots of medicine and told to rest at home. She visited the Emergency Room on August 7th due to having trouble with breathing, was prescribed more medicines, including an oximeter, and was told she was dehydrated and beginning to have pneumonia. Although at that point she would happily have been admitted to the hospital, there was a waiting list of 30+ and she was not serious enough to even be considered for admission.

Yesterday she returned to the hospital due to her oximeter readings showing that her oxygen levels were too low, and was immediately put on oxygen (which is different from being intubated) and admitted to the hospital. It took over 14 hours for her to even get a room due to the overcrowded conditions.

As of August 12th (her time), she has become bedridden, literally unable to leave the bed because her oxygen levels drop from any amount of activity. She is not on the “fullest” amount of oxygen they can give so there is still some sense that she isn’t the worst off yet, but we are of course very worried for her health. They tested her again and she retested positive.

The “delta variant” of the coronavirus that causes Covid-19 is incredibly contagious, like nothing we have seen before. Cases are exploding in both Kentucky, where my parents now live, and in West Virginia, where my buddy’s common-law wife is a nurse in an ER. She also mentioned that after weeks of not seeing any Covid+ cases, suddenly there is an explosion, even among young people.

I strongly encourage every member of our fine community at JETS to redouble our efforts to protect ourselves and our families. Especially if you aren’t two weeks out from having been fully vaccinated, please take extra care.”

☆NY通信  Twisties



Twisties  (演技中の)心と体の不一致

 東京オリンピックで、アメリカは多くのメダルをとり国民の期待に応えました。 しかしオリンピック中継において一番の話題になったのは、米体操界の超スター、バイルス選手と彼女が発した Twistiesという言葉です。

 バイルス選手は、心の不調を訴えて団体戦の大部分と個人総合を欠場しました。多くのプレッシャーと戦う中での Twistiesをその理由に挙げました。これは、心(Mind)と 体(Body)が同調せず上手く演技できないことですが、ゴルフやその他のスポーツのイップス(Yips)に相当するでしょう。


 6月、大阪なおみ選手が全仏オープンを途中退場した時も、彼女は精神的な原因を述べました。彼女にとってのTwistiesだったのかもしれません。 これからもTwistiesは、我々にアスリートを人間として見る視点を与えるものとなるでしょう。

(旦 英夫 ニューヨーク州弁護士)