カテゴリー別アーカイブ: 英語で一日一言

☆Watering plants

はるか昔、駆け出しの翻訳をしていた頃、海外から精密機械の部品を輸入しているエンジニアリング企業に派遣された事がありました。小さな事務所でしたが、観葉植物がとてもきれいでした。が、時々、水が足りないのか、植木がぐったりていて, 毎朝、水をあげていたら、愛着がわくようになりました…. ある日、新たな仕事がきまり, ほとんどお話しをした事のなかった社長さんにご挨拶をしにいきました。社長さんが、”そうか〜 実は、フルタイムで働いてもらおうかと総務と話していたとこなんだ。カミさんが、植木に水をあげている君の事がお気に入りなんだよ〜”と、言ってくださり、残念そうにしてくださいました。植木が大好きな奥様とは植木やお花の交換の時に、時々、チラッとご挨拶しただけでした。とても、感激し、それ以来、新しい職場ではいつも植木/花に水をあげるようになりました(^^)

Watering plants often reminds me of the time I worked through a temp agency as a part-time translator for a small engineering firm. Like most offices of engineering companies, the office space was full of boring computers, research papers with many dry figures, etc., and looked, in general, quite depressing. Nevertheless, I was inspired by lively staff and nicely chosen plants/flowers displayed at the entrance area and in every corner of the office and really enjoyed working there. The plants, however, almost forgotten by super-busy staff, were often unwatered and looked sad, and so I started watering them as part of my daily routine. I truly loved looking at and caring for the plants everyday. Several months passed and, fortunately or unfortunately, I got a new job offer (which sounded more challenging) from the agent , and so I decided to say good-bye to the president of the company, with whom I had almost never spoken, in person. He said, “Really!! I just had a discussion with Mr X (Office Manager) and we decided to change your employee status from part-time to full-time. Zannen!! As a matter of fact, my wife always looked forward to chatting with you whenever she came to make changes to the plants and flowers. Thank you for taking such good care of them. All the best!” I was overwhelmed with his kind words and still fondly remember chatting with his wife briefly whenever she came in to the office. Since then, I have always included “watering plants” in my “things-to-do list” at the workplace(^^). A nice flashback!

There is a saying: If you praise the flowers for being beautiful, they will become more beautiful!



BEIGO Watch [203] : Blue Wall of Silence 米語 Watch [203] : Blue Wall of Silence  各位、  アメリカのCDC(疾病予防管理センター)は、コロナのワクチンを受けた人は原則としてマスクをつけなくてよいと発表しました。 日本のワクチン接種の遅れが本当に心配です。早く接種が広まれば、オリンピックの準備もスムーズにできるのにと思わざるを得ません。  

-米語Watch(朝日Weekly紙 及び週刊NY生活紙に連載中)- Blue Wall of Silence  警察仲間の沈黙のかばい合い   ミネソタ州の裁判所で、黒人フロイド氏を膝下に殺害した白人警官に対して、殺人罪での有罪の評決が出されました。裁判で、この警官の上司が、問題の行為は警察の訓練指針に違反すると明確に糾弾したことが、評決の決め手となりました。  この評決にアメリカ社会は安堵し、専門家からは、Blue Wall of Silenceつまり「沈黙の青い壁」が崩壊する前兆であって欲しいというコメントを何度も聞きました。 Blue は警官の青い制服を指し、Wall of Silenceは仲間の非行に沈黙しかばい合う体質を意味します。  この公判中にも、裁判所近くで黒人青年が白人警官に撃たれて死亡しました。 その女性警官の上司は、彼女がTaser (スタンガン)と「間違えて」ピストルを撃ってしまったと弁護しました。  今、連邦議会においてフロイド氏の名を冠した警察改革法が論議されています。 容疑者の拘束方法などの規制や警官の責任強化など、法的な改革は達成できるでしょう。 しかし、Blue Wall of Silenceという壁が崩れ、警察そのものへの信頼が取り戻せなければ、社会が望む真の改革にはなりません。 (旦 英夫 ニューヨーク州弁護士) 


欧米諸国に比べると、日本の重症化件数は微々たるもの。にも関わらず、なぜ、医療崩壊が起こっているのだろうか。1)民間の病院が受け入れを拒否、あるいは、不可能? 2)適切なトレーニングを受けた医療従事者が不足?  もし、欧米のように重症化件数がふえていたら、ほとんど自宅で最後を迎えなければいけないのだろうか? この機会に、危機管理について何をすべきか、明確にしていかなければならないと思います。

Despite the fact that the number of serious cases of COVID-19 requiring intensive care at hospitals is much lower in Japan than in the U.S. , Europe, India, Brazil, etc., Japanese hospitals are reported to be overwhelmed with patients, many of whom are told to wait at home until hospitalization is possible. Is it because: 1)Many private hospitals refuse (or are logistically unable) to accept COVID-19 patients? 2)There is a shortage of medical professionals who are trained to handle serious cases?
If the number of serious cases in Japan approaches the levels of in the aforementioned regions, most seriously-ill patients would be left to die at home while awaiting hospitalization? We need to discuss and identify what needs to be done in order to avert this possibility in future pandemic emergencies.

☆ Rainy Season

自然災害国… ひょっとしたら、オリンピックがなくてラッキーだった…となることがあるのかもしれません… 何があっても塞翁が馬。Have a nice day! Enjoy a wonderful weather (for ducks)!(^^)

塞翁が馬(Good can come out of a misfortune.)

☆Development of the COVID-19 vaccines

日本でワクチンの開発が遅れている理由は何だろう…1)資源不足 2)技術/資金面での問題3)利益が見込めないプロジェクトに関心がない。4)臨床試験の実施が難しい 5)文化的な理由(特に子宮頸がんワクチン訴訟事件以来、ワクチンは100%安全で完璧でなければならないという、ワクチンに対する恐怖心が根強く残っている。)

I wonder why Japan has not yet been able to develop COVID-19 vaccines locally. Is it: 1) Shortage of resources? 2) Technological/financial problems? 3) No interest in launching unprofitable ventures? 4) Difficulty in conducting clinical testing? 5)Cultural reason? (It has to be 100% safe?)
I would like the government to explain the current status of and/or problems associated with nationally-funded programs in vaccine research.

☆A route of infection


It has been reported that the number of untraceable COVID-19 infections is increasing dramatically. For whatever reason, some people do not want to disclose pertinent details of their private life. To prevent further spread of the virus (through close proximity) I think it is important to identify the presumptive route of infection. As such, I am determined to lead an uneventful life, to be a good girl ; )

☆National Bonds(国債)

1. 日本が財政破綻しない一番の理由は、国債がすべて円で発行されているからで(日本国債の96%は日本の投資家が円で購入していて、残り4%も海外の投資家が円で購入しています。国債の返済をもし急に迫られても、国内で円を大量発行して返済することができてしまいます。これは国債の100%が円で発行されていることと、自国で円を発行しているからできることです。)、政府は国際的な負債を抱えているわけではありません。コロナ禍で、国民の安全を優先し経済をとめるなら、全ての国民に給与を支給するなど、もっと施策があるはずです。たとえば、デパート、一日一律20万円の補助だけではなく、従業員の給与をサポートするなどなど…

2. 英国では、新型コロナの簡易検査キットが無料て配布され、ロンドン在住の友人家族も1週間に2回検査しているそうです。 日本では、ワクチンも、検査キットも、なかなか進まないのはなぜだろう? 技術大国のはずなのですが…

It is generally agreed upon that Japan will not suffer financial bankruptcy primarily due to the fact that Japan’s debts consist of national bonds issued in yen in Japan. According to economists, “If a country’s debt reaches 90% of its GDP, this implies a likely economic collapse. But Japan’s debt is different in that It is mostly owed to the Japanese people in the form of government bonds. In effect, the Japanese government owes each of its citizens about 7.5 million yen. Since 95% of its debt is held domestically, its economic situation is not as precarious as it would be if Japan were in debt to foreign interests.”
And so I often wonder why government subsidies in Japan are so small in comparison with other developed countries. It seems the government is reluctant to provide support for those who suffer serious economic hardship. For example, in the case of department stores, the government provides a daily subsidy of 200,000 yen to cover losses due to closure. No funds, however, are provided for department store employees.

In a social welfare state such as the UK, the government distributes a simple home COVID-19 diagnostic test kit to each family. According to a friend of mine residing in London, she uses the kit before going to work twice a week as a part of the “new normal” although she has already been vaccinated. What has happened to Japan, supposedly a technologically and socially advanced nation?


本来は近江商人の哲学。心に響くことば。座右の銘です。 経営学のプレゼンなどで発表した事がありました。 先日、”お金に執着していては人の心が離れていく”と、いう内容の本を立ち読みしましたが、素晴らしい従業員に喜んで働いてもらい、より良い製品/サービスを提供するためには、やはり、お金が入るようにしなければと責任を感じます。”起業”は誰でもできると思うのですが、立派な”企業”に育てる事は、果てしない道のりです。 日本文化/経済の変遷を説明する取り組みの中で、経済の高度成長期を支えた”三方良し”について、英語で伝えていきたいと考えています。

“Sanpo yoshi,” a business philosophy that describes a triple-win for the buyer, the seller, and society

Originally contrived by “Ohmi Shonin” (merchants from the Ohmi region, a home to several Japanese mega trading houses, “Sanpo Yoshi“ emphasizes that the ultimate goal of a company is to benefit customers, employees, and to contribute to society. Recently when I was browsing a book on business which argued that prioritizing money/profit would lead to loss of customers, the philosophy of the triple-win, my personal motto, instantly came to mind. To build a good company, I think it is very important to motivate your staff members by providing good compensation for their sincere commitments. Business leaders should make the utmost effort to satisfy customers by offering high quality/competitive goods and services while providing employees with good working conditions. To start a company as an “entrepreneur “ and to nurture an excellent “company” as a good manager are often completely different tasks. It takes a long time to turn a start-up company into a respectable and profitable organization. I plan to introduce the time-honored philosophy of “Sanpo Yoshi” (in English) from the perspective of the change in (rise and fall of) Japanese business culture, once characterized by life time employment, loyalty, and the seniority system.
