
Lady Volunteers’ Thank You Dinner Party@Kobe Club
神戸海星病院英語ボランティアのための”Thank You Dinner”で演奏させていただきました。 (w/Janette vo, Mari Itohara p, Yuri Ito d) 心に残る歌をたくさん歌ってくださったJanetteさんに大感謝。 建て替えが決定された歴史ある神戸倶楽部の建物での最後のイベントになります。2027年に新しい建物が完成するそうです。 JETS Academyからも数名、ボランティア活動に参加していただいています。この場をかりまして心より感謝申し上げます。

I had the opportunity to perform at the “Thank You Dinner” for the English volunteers at Kobe Kaisei Hospital. (w/ Janette on vocals, Mari Itohara on piano, Yuri Ito on drums) I am incredibly grateful to Janette for singing so many memorable songs. This will be the last event held in the historic Kobe Club building, which has been decided for reconstruction. It seems that a new building will be completed in 2027.  There are a few participants from JETS Academy who have joined our volunteer activities.  I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude for their involvement.
