
Vincent先生のご紹介で、国際アントレプレナー協会・神戸大学が主催する起業家セミナーにパネリストとして参加することになりました! 詳細は、下記、ご参照ください。

1) ビジネスを開始する時にかかった費用について?

2) ビジネスを開始する時にどのような困難があったのか?

3) どのようにそのような場面に対処したのか?

4) ビジネスを開始したての時にもっとも大きな失敗は何だったのか?

5) 起業家を続けようと思うか?そうであれば何故やめないのか?






日時:3月14日(金曜日) 15:00〜18:00
場所:神戸大学 1205室
入場料:学生 500円 一般1000円
駐車場有り ※AOIEスタッフまでご連絡ください
Hello Everyone,

We are happy to announce our first collaboration with Kobe University.
This event features a panel discussion from Kobe CEO’s, businesspeople
and entrepreneurs. We welcome all interested students and community
members. Our goal is to give students and potential-entrepreneurs
realistic and useful information in a casual setting. We expect a big
turnout of Kobe University students, professors, AOIE members and
community people!

Each panelist will answer 5 questions:
1) How much money did it cost for you to start your business?
2) What difficulties did you face when you started?
3) How did you cope with the unexpected?
4) What was your biggest mistake in the beginning?
5) What did you continue to become an entrepreneur? Why did you not quit?

Afterwards there will be open questioning time.

Finally the second half of the event will be a casual tea and snack
time with panelists and participants.

If you are interested in becoming a panel member and share your story
please contact AOIE: info@aoie.biz

If you are interested in joining as a participant we welcome you!

Date: March 14th, 2014
Time: 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Location: Kobe University I205
Fee: Students ¥500 / Non-students ¥1000
Parking: Parking Vouchers Available (Please contact AOIE)
Snacks and Drink Complimentary (Non-Alcohol)