“経済”を優先する政府と”市民の安全”を優先する都道府県など地方自治体の取り組みに温度差を感じます。感染拡大が懸念されるなか、Go To Travelなどを推進した国は日本だけではないでしょうか?経済を優先するのであれば、台湾やシンガポールのように、もっとPCR検査を徹底し、安全を確認しながら、経済活動するなど、色々な施策があったはずです。Go To Travelで、もう大丈夫なのかと、気持ちの緩みも招いてしまったように思います。緊急事態宣言も、都道府県側から要請されるまで、政府から危機感を感じませんでした。国民の生活を支えるために、もっとしなければならない施策(例: 1930年代のNew Deal政策のような試み)がたくさんあるはずです。歴史に残る取り組みをしてほしいです。
“A sense of urgency/crisis“
There is a gap in the sense of urgency between the central government and the local governments in dealing with the Covid-19 crisis. Amidst the unprecedented fear of the spread of the virus, how on earth can the central government promote the “Go Traveling” program to stimulate the national economy? If they seek to priorize the economy, why didn’t they implement various safety measures beforehand, for example, requiring a PCR test to prevent the spread of the virus (like what they did in Taiwan and Singapore)? Furthermore, the “Go Traveling” campaign has confused us by ostensibly allowing us to believe that COVID-19 is under control. The local governments are now becoming increasingly concerned about the reluctance of the central government to take appropriate safety measures in its myopic prioritization of the economy. With the eventual outcome of vaccine implementation still an unknown, epoch-defining measures addressing both economic and safety issues on the same scale as the American “New Deal” of the 1930’s are now what is required. The central and local governments need to come up with a plan together, now.