☆Happy Golden Week!

4/29から5/5まで、お休みさせていただきます。 Stay safe, stay healthy!

“夕食、運んでもらうようにしているから食べといてね〜”, “今日、7時からこの番組, おもしろいよ〜”など連絡しているから、1人暮らしの母も、きっと、それなりに楽しく過ごしてるんだろうな〜と思っていましたが、活気がなく… 最近、1時間ほど時間を作って、一緒に夕食を食べたり、テレビをみるようにするひとときを増やすと、母の笑顔も一気に増えました。 同じ食事でも、番組でも、誰かと食べたり、見たりするだけで、ずーっと美味しくなり、楽しくなるんだなーと痛感。どんなお薬よりも元気になるような…. 同じ絵本でも、一緒に読めば、大興奮だった子ども達の事を思い出しました… ふれあいって、ささやかな事でも、大きな力になるんだと、しみじみ思う今日このごろです。 Happy Golden Week!

Sparing time, even a little time, for others…

By arranging for meal delivery and letting her know about good programs on TV when I find them, I thought my mother (90 years old) would somehow enjoy living alone in her cozy place. However, since she is becoming less interested in watching TV or doing anything recently, I try to spend a little more time with her having dinner and watching TV together. Just by doing so, her smiles come back and her eyes start to shine again. Even a simple meal becomes a feast and a boring program a topic for lively discussion… I realized my “presence” is a big “present” for her. It works more effectively than any medicine. This reminds me of my children when they would become so exited when I read picture books for them so many years ago. Finding a little more time in your busy schedule for your loved ones is so important. This eventually will make YOU happy! Happy Golden Week!