1. 日本が財政破綻しない一番の理由は、国債がすべて円で発行されているからで(日本国債の96%は日本の投資家が円で購入していて、残り4%も海外の投資家が円で購入しています。国債の返済をもし急に迫られても、国内で円を大量発行して返済することができてしまいます。これは国債の100%が円で発行されていることと、自国で円を発行しているからできることです。)、政府は国際的な負債を抱えているわけではありません。コロナ禍で、国民の安全を優先し経済をとめるなら、全ての国民に給与を支給するなど、もっと施策があるはずです。たとえば、デパート、一日一律20万円の補助だけではなく、従業員の給与をサポートするなどなど…
2. 英国では、新型コロナの簡易検査キットが無料て配布され、ロンドン在住の友人家族も1週間に2回検査しているそうです。 日本では、ワクチンも、検査キットも、なかなか進まないのはなぜだろう? 技術大国のはずなのですが…
It is generally agreed upon that Japan will not suffer financial bankruptcy primarily due to the fact that Japan’s debts consist of national bonds issued in yen in Japan. According to economists, “If a country’s debt reaches 90% of its GDP, this implies a likely economic collapse. But Japan’s debt is different in that It is mostly owed to the Japanese people in the form of government bonds. In effect, the Japanese government owes each of its citizens about 7.5 million yen. Since 95% of its debt is held domestically, its economic situation is not as precarious as it would be if Japan were in debt to foreign interests.”
And so I often wonder why government subsidies in Japan are so small in comparison with other developed countries. It seems the government is reluctant to provide support for those who suffer serious economic hardship. For example, in the case of department stores, the government provides a daily subsidy of 200,000 yen to cover losses due to closure. No funds, however, are provided for department store employees.
In a social welfare state such as the UK, the government distributes a simple home COVID-19 diagnostic test kit to each family. According to a friend of mine residing in London, she uses the kit before going to work twice a week as a part of the “new normal” although she has already been vaccinated. What has happened to Japan, supposedly a technologically and socially advanced nation?