
若かりしころは、気ままに、好きな事をしながら、穏やかに過ごす老後を夢みていましたが…. 年を重ねるごとに……. 周りが笑顔でいない限り、幸せになれないんだという事を痛感し…. これから、残された人生、何ができるのかな〜と、考えるようになり… 最近、”子ども食堂”で、色々な活動をしている友人が、生き生きとしている姿なども見て… “話を聞き、サンドバッグになるだけでも、意味があるように感じたよ..”と、お話しを聞き…. 気づいたら、大切な誰かのために、クラウドファンディングを使ったプロジェクトを立ち上げようとしている自分が… 非営利団体にすべきか… 慣れない事に、戸惑い、悩みながら、一歩、踏み出せる一年になりますように… 気づいたら、周りの友人/家族が、込み入った話を聞き役のサンドバッグになっていました(^^;) とりあえず、おみくじに励まされました。 久〜〜〜しぶりの大吉でした! 2022年が素晴らしい一年でありますように!

Happy New Year!
When I was younger, I dreamed of retiring and spending time doing the things I enjoy. But now, as I approach retirement age, I realize that one can never be happy if some people you know are struggling with financial/social/physical/psychological difficulty … And so I have begun exploring ways in which to help in this next stage of my life. Coincidentally, a friend of mine volunteering at “こども食堂 (a children’s restaurant designed for the children of families in financial difficulty) said to me “Although I feel powerless, I found it meaningful to listen to their stories (and serving as a sandbag sometimes…“)
Deeply moved I now find myself actively involved in a welfare project launched by a special someone. We are assembling petitions for “crowdfunding”, studying procedures for establishing a non-profit organization (and all that entails), and hoping we can move forward with even a very small step this year. (I am beginning to realize that my family has always been my personal sandbag, listening patiently as I recounted the details of my complicated working life.(^^;)
Encouraged by an “excellent luck” slip I got for the first time in many years at the shrine on New Year’s Day, I sincerely hope that this year will turn out to be an excellent year!! Wishing you and your family an excellent 2022!!