☆Weak Yen (円安)

円安は、輸出業者にはGood Newsですが、輸入業者にはBad News. いつも、新聞記事からは、Good NewsかBad Newsか、判断しがたく… が、このまま、円安が進み、日本の賃金も、国際的に安い水準になるのであれば、海外に生産基地を移さないで、国内の労働力を有効活用し、産業の空洞化を防ぐ事ができるのではないかと、ふと、思いました。

A “weak Yen” is good news for exporters, but bad news for importers; and a “strong Yen” is the opposite. It can be a very tricky subject of conversation among certain circles. In view of the fact that the Japanese Yen continues to weaken, thus lowering the cost of Japanese labor relative to other labor markets, it makes sense to retain a significant manufacturing base in-country. In this way Japan will avoid a hollowed economy while maintaing a healthy rate of employment for the middle class.