
昨日、学校の近所にある証券会社の若〜い営業マンが、チラシを持って、突如、営業活動に… あちこち、まわっているようで、大変そうでした。名刺を差し出しながら、”どんな投資をお望みですか?”と、慣れない事をいきなり聞かれ… 思わず”ローリスク、ハイリターン”と、一言… なかなかないそうです(笑) ついでに、最近の経済動向について質問。勉強になりました。

I had an unexpected visit by a young financial advisor from a branch office of a securities company in my school’s neighborhood. He seemed to be desperately seeking new clients while distributing his business cards and promotional materials. Showing his information package, he asked me, “What kind of investment are you interested in?” I answered, simply, “Low (or no) risk with a high return. “ He looked challenged…. I asked him about the current global market situation. It turned out to be a productive meeting.(^^)