☆Electric Vehicles

Electric Vehicle(電気自動車)


1. 化石燃料など従来のエネルギーを利用して発電している限り、資源枯渇問題/CO2削減(脱炭素)の根本的な解決策にはならない。
2. 日本の自動車メーカーは、EV化に出遅れた感があるが、それは、メーカー側が産業構造に及ぼす、社会経済的マイナス効果(ジャストタイムインシステム/カンバンシステムを支えてきた多くの下請け企業が直面する失業問題など)を懸念していることにも起因する。
3. 多様性は力なり。 電気のみならず、ハイブリッド/ソーラーなど、色々な代替エネルギーを駆使した車の開発を、今後も続けてほしい。


Electric Vehicles
The rapid shift from gasoline-powered vehicles to EVs (Electric Vehicles) on a global scale makes me ponder:

1. As long as fossil fuels are used to generate electricity, the problem of natural resource depletion remains, and CO2 emissions will continue to rise.
2. Initially, Japanese automakers seemed rather reluctant to be “fully” committed to entering the EV market. It has been reported that they are concerned about the significant socio-economic impact this shift may take on the auto industry (a driving force of the Japanese economy). For example, there is the issue of many engine parts developers/suppliers who played important roles in “Just-in Time” (Kanban) system finding themselves out of business.
3. Diversity is strength. I think it is necessary to develop not only EVs but also other environmentally-friendly vehicles like hybrid/solar/etc. It is dangerous to rely solely on electricity.

According to some leading economists, Toyota has been particularly prudent in proceeding with the shift to EV with their loyal subsidiaries in mind ; these small- and medium subsidiary companies (including a significant number of engine parts suppliers) were indispensable to the company and the Japanese economy as a whole. I sincerely hope that automakers will find a healthy path to survival and continue to flourish in this unprecedentedly competitive and unpredictable market.


(出典: ダイアモンドオンライン)