☆Economic Sanction. 経済制裁

コロナ禍の上海で厳しいロックダウンが続いています。 多くの日本人居住者が不便な生活を強いられている様子がテレビのニュースで報道されていました。 労働力確保に支障が生じ、生産が追いつかないとか…….確か、中国は、ウイグル地区や香港での人権問題/領土問題などを踏まえ、厳しい経済制裁が取り沙汰されていたが… 結局は、経済重視なのか。 どうなっているんだう…経済制裁は、効力あるのだろうかと、ふと、思いました。

With the spread of the Omicron variant , Shanghai has been strictly locked down by the Chinese government which is enforcing a zero Covid policies. According to aJapanese media coverage, many Japanese expats are confined in apartment complexes designed principally for employees of Japanese companies. It has been reported that the temporary suspension of their operation/production activities brings significant financial damage to companies establishing themselves in China. This made me wonder what happened to the economic sanctions imposed on China in connection with human rights abuses in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Hong Kong. Can economic sanctions work when ignored by companies prioritizing profits over human rights?