☆Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett
日本の五大商社に投資…誰もが考えそうな事で、あまり、斬新さを感じなませんでした。バフェット氏のような大投資家には、世界に貢献する夢のある技術を有する企業、倫理的に正しい企業(人権問題などが問題となっている国に加担しない企業)に投資してほしいと願わずにおれません。 と、ふと、思いました。

During a recently concluded visit to Japan, the investment tycoon, Warren Buffett (92 years old), announced that his investment company had purchased, in view of the weak yen and potential for growth, significant investments in five major Japanese trading houses. The choice of five major trading houses as an investment target sought by many doesn’t seem a particularly newsworthy occurrence. I would prefer that wealthy investors like Buffett support companies which have unique technologies for the betterment of future generations and also those companies which do business in an ethically correct manner (i.e. not dealing with companies/countries which abuse human rights.) Probably, this is the reason why I’m not rich. (^^)