☆英会話サロン w/Stephen Article (2023/04/011-12)

Tuesday morning: //////Next *”Stuck in the past” *from /”When I renewed
my Driving license…”///*; **Next “*Secrets businesses don’t want you
to know”.**
Tuesday evening: ////// Next “*Secrets businesses don’t want you to
know” *from “Third Party inks…”

Wednesday 10am: //// ////*”Stuck in the past”* from “/These rural
strongholds/…”; Next “*Secrets businesses don’t want you to know”.*

** Wednesday 11:30am////Next /*”*/*Original names of famous companies
REDACTED”* from “Burbn”; Next “*Nepo Baby*”

stuck in the past 9
Secrets businesses don’t want you to know 2
Nepobaby 2

☆OXBRIDGE Summer Camp

4年ぶりに再開される事になりました。今年は、参加大学が少なくなっだそうですが、規模を小さくして、兵庫県国際交流協会の協力校として、8/14-16まで、参加させていただく事になりました。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします! オックスフォード大学/ケンブリッジ大学生達との交流を楽しみにしています!


Session@JETS Academy
Date: 2023/04/09 日曜日
Time: 14:00-17:00

w/糸原摩理(p), Robert Ahad(p), 近藤哲生(b),Larry Ransome(d)

ドラム/ゴスペルで、大変お世話になったLarryさんが、しばらく米国に帰国される事になりました。  壮行会を兼ねたいと思います!  ぜひ!

Admission: 2,000 yen(incl. drinks)

☆英会話サロン w/Stephen Article(2023/04/04-05)

Tuesday morning: //////Next *”Stuck in the past”.****
Tuesday evening: ////// *”Stuck in the past”* from “/Yet it’s hostility
to immigration…/”; Next “*Secrets businesses don’t want you to know”.*

Wednesday 10am: //// ////*”Stuck in the past”* from “/The Outside
Factor./..If you want to see what happens to a country…”; Next
“*Secrets businesses don’t want you to know”.*

** Wednesday 11:30am//”*Things schools have banned” *from/”Curved
Buildings”; /Next /*”*/*Original names of famous companies REDACTED”.*

Secrets businesses don’t want you to know 2
Nepobaby 2
stuck in the past 8
Secrets businesses don’t want you to know 2
Things Schools have banned 2


“雨にも負けず”(by 宮沢賢治) 英訳を二つ比較してみました。 最初の訳は、”He”を主語に、二つ目の訳は”I”を主語にしています。
とても興味深いです。 進化が続くAI機械翻訳(技術文書/法律関係文書の分野では目覚ましい進歩がみられます)が、どこまで”心あたたまる原文”の情緒を訳せるのか… 試してみようと思いました。

Strong in the Rain
Strong in the rain
Strong in the wind
Strong against the summer heat and snow
He is healthy and robust
Free from desire
He never loses his temper
Nor the quiet smile on his lips
He eats four go of unpolished rice
Miso and a few vegetables a day
He does not consider himself
In whatever occurs … his understanding
Comes from observation and experience
And he never loses sight of things
He lives in a little thatched-roof hut
In a field in the shadows of a pine tree grove
If there is a sick chlid in the east
He goes there to nurse the child
If there’s a tired mother in the west
He goes to her and carries her sheaves
If someone is near death in the south
He goes and says, “Don’t be afraind”
If there are strife and lawsuits in the north
He demands that the people put an end to their pettiness
He weeps at the time of drought
He plods about at a loss during the cold summer
Everybody calls him Blockhead
No one sings his praises
Or takes him to heart …
That is the kind of person
I want to be
(English translation by Roger Pulvers)

Rain won’t stop me.
 Wind won’t stop me.
 Neither will driving snow.
Sweltering summer heat
 will only raise my determination.
 With a body built for endurance, 
a heart free of greed,
 I’ll never lose my temper.
trying always to keep
a quiet smile on my face. 
My daily diet must be simple: 
several heaped bowls of brown rice,
 some vegetables and miso.
Profit must never be the issue.
 I’ll listen to others,
 observe carefully,
and refuse to forget.
 I’ll make my home in a hut
 with a thatched roof,
near a meadow surrounded by pine trees.
 If a child were to fall ill in the east,
 I’d run there to help with the nursing. 
If a mother were to overwork herself in the west,
 I’d be there to carry the heavy bundels of rice. 
If a man were on the verge of death in the south,
 I’d rush to soothe his fears. 
If bitter lawsuits and fighting
were to break out in the north,
 I’d urge all parties to come together
and talk things over. 
In days of drought, I’d weep, just weep.
 In unseasonable cold spells,
 I’d walk the fields and worry over the stunted crops.
People may call me a fool.
 I doubt if anyone will applaud me.
 Then again, perhaps none will detest me either.
 All this is my goal – the person I want to become.