☆英会話サロン w/Stephen Articles(2022/06/14-15)

Tuesday morning: *”Brand names in use” *from /Q-Tips; /Next “*Hi-tech
Tuesday evening: *”*Hi-tech Japan*” from */Hand Written faxes/;
Next*”Queen Elizabeth…”**

Wednesday 10am: ***”Ancient Technology” *from /The Oxford Bell;
/Next///*”Brand names in use”.*/**

** Wednesday 11:30am *”Ancient Technology” *from**/The Lycurgus cup;
/Next////*”Brand names in use”.*//

Queen Elizabeth has bever been allowed to do these things 2
Ancient technology we can’t recreate 6
Brand names in use 4

☆Business English Salon w/Ian Article(2022/06/11)


“The Walt Disney Company apologises after Disneyland Paris employee ruins marriage proposal.

Disneyland Paris has apologised after a worker interrupted a romantic wedding proposal, in a moment caught on video that has gone viral.
In footage shared on Reddit, a man was seen getting down on one knee to propose to the woman, only to be interrupted by a worker who ran between them and grabbed the ring out of his hands, The Independent reported.
The worker then ran down the platform, and gestured to the couple to get down.
The man is seen telling the employee that she said yes, to which the employee responds: “That’s great, but over here will be even better.”
Though the couple seemed confused by the employee’s action, they eventually followed him down.
The clip was shared by the man’s best friend who clarified that his friend had asked for permission from the park to propose there prior to the incident.
The Walt Disney Company headquarters in California has since issued an apology for the incident.
In a phone interview with The New York Times, the man known as Ante, said that he and his fiancée were saddened after his proposal was interrupted by the employee.
“Disneyland stands for dreams,” he said.
“Our moment was destroyed.”
The 31-year-old man said he had been planning the proposal for five months, ever since his 26-year-old fiancée gifted him Disneyland tickets for Christmas.
Since the incident, Ante revealed that Disney has contacted the couple by phone and email to give them a free weekend at any Disneyland park and hotel of their choice.
Ante mentioned that they rejected the offer and that they would not be visiting Disneyland anymore.
“They can’t give us the moment back and that’s the only thing I want — to get a second chance.” (Source: The New York Times)

☆Alternative Energy

Alternative energy(代替エネルギー)
先日、フランス語のクラスで、代替エネルギーのトピックで盛り上がりました。高校生の英検クラスでよく取り扱っているトピックなので、どの言語でも同じような事をしているんだな〜と、ふと、思いました(^^) Facebook で数年前の(英検クラスプロモーションの)ビデオがアップされ…


JETS AcademyのJETSは、Japanese English Translation Serviceに由来します。 と、いうわけで、本業は、翻訳です。 まだ、細々と続いています。 行政機関に提出する法的文書の翻訳原稿には、翻訳証明書も必要とされる事が多く…. 翻訳証明書は、サービスさせていただいています。 ぜひ!(^^)

☆英会話サロン w/Stephen Articles(2022/06/06)

Tuesday morning: *”Brand names in use” *from /Frisbee; /Next “*Hi-tech

Tuesday evening: “Brand names in use” ****from */Popsicle//;
/Next*”*Hi-tech Japan*”

Wednesday 10am: *”Return of the dumbphone” *from /”Mr Tang adds”/*;
*Next*”Ancient Technology”

** Wednesday 11:30am *****”Return of the dumbphone”* from /”Light Phone
co-founder..”/Next”Ancient Technology”*

Brand names in use 4
Ancient technology we can’t recreate 6
The return of Dumbphones

☆英会話サロン w/Ian Articles (2022/05/31-06/01)

Hope you had a good weekend, here are the usual materials and list for
this week.

Tuesday morning: *”Brand names in use”.
Tuesday evening: “*Brand names in use”.*

Wednesday 10am: *”Return of the dumbphone”; *Next*”Ancient Technology”

** Wednesday 11:30am *****”Return of the dumbphone”* from /Ms West’s
decision…;**/*Next “Ancient Technology*

Brand names in use 4
The return of Dumbphones